Abdul Kalam
Former President of India
Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam,
- Nick Names -
Missile Man
People's President
born - October 15, 1931, Rameswaram, India
died - July 27, 2015, Shillong , due to
stroke ( cardiac arrest )
Indian scientist and politician who played a leading role in the development of India’s missile and nuclear weapons programs.
He was president of India from 2002 to 2007.

1981: Padma Bhushan – Government of India
1990: Padma Vibhushan – Government of India
1997: Bharat Ratna – Government of India
1997: Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration – Government of India
1998: Veer Savarkar Award – Government of India
2000: SASTRA Ramanujan Prize – Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy, India
2000: Ramanujan Award - Alwars Research Centre, Chennai
Distinguished Fellow – Institute of Directors, India, 1994
2008: Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) - Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Honorary Fellow – National Academy of Medical Sciences, 1995
Honorary Doctorate of Science – University of Wolverhampton, UK, 2007
King Charles II Medal – UK, 2007
Honorary Doctor of Engineering – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2008
International von Kármán Wings Award – California Institute of Technology, USA, 2009
Hoover Medal – American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA, 2009
Doctor of Engineering – University of Waterloo, Canada, 2010
IEEE Honorary Membership – Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, USA, 2011 -
Honorary Doctor of Laws – Simon Fraser University, Canada, 2012
Honorary Doctor of Science – University of Edinburgh,
Scotland, 2014 -
Von Braun Award – National Space Society,2013