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SPARE PARTS (2015): Just a Reflection


Why a film? It was a long time since I watched an ambitious true story, and I had this film on my watch list for too long, And why this? Obviously, "Based on a True Story", "Mexican Immigrants Getting Recognition" and "High School Kids Won against MIT" caught my attention, and as an aspiring mechanical engineering student, who also has dreams of building things, I was curious about those victory stories.

I'm not willing to spoil too much, but I'm sorry there will be some, so before you continue reading this, I recommend watching it,

Let's hear what the story was to me! I too had a dream of building a Team, and precisely felt the need to be part of that humble nerd team, even if not a key role, like some bassist or base guitarist, doing some underrated work in those teams. Indirectly, I need to be surrounded by that spirit of doing something useful.

Did I get a chance? Yes, but no. In my school days, I had my class 12 project in which we could form a team, and I got one, I wasn't satisfied with the team's involvement, but I didn't blame them. They supported me to experiment in their project which cost their final marks, while finishing it I learnt a lot about maintaining that spirit at least in myself though they lost interest in contributing. {and about that project 😅}

Here at IIITDM, we have many clubs, specifically ROV clubs. I got selected in written mode tests in SAE, AUV - the Underwater ROV club, but rejected in the interviews, It was a clean flop in the SAE interview. But in AUV, it felt like I did, but it didn't go well, I was under-confident, but some rumours say they only take from a particular branch of their own 😅 rumours aside,

From the open-house events I didn't wish to be in some club with social constraints and hierarchies, there I mentioned to my friends that we wanted to be in a young or more open club like TAD or Robo-Wars, But due to FOMO of luxuries large clubs give, I opted for them.

But now I'm in TAD, my friend and I were fully prepared and dreamed of creating a VTOL company, on the previous day of the interview, and poured there whatever I could, sorry! They fetched what I know. Finally, we entered, and got great seniors, we know some already, they're Down-to-earth but their progress Flies high (pun intended 😜)

What next, start contributing, right? I love working with physical things but never succeeded in one, at the same time I love working with software stuff too, which is not my passion or goal to master, the same feeling Cristian had, and now I need to wake Lorenzo in me, though I'm not a theory guy, the only experience I have is in the software side,


Besides the club, we are there for our improvement, we all hate ourselves for being dumb in things that everybody else has like social skills, driving experience, or having that athletic spirit, and we feel ignored sometimes for not clearing that common eligibility mark, but that doesn't mean we can't; but we don't know the barrier we need to overcome,

I could relate to Luis, being a part of a group just because they require him for some reason and nothing else, but that doesn't mean we should avoid them or let our ego work against them, I like how Luis accepts this place is to grow for both himself and for the team, accepting for working as not so important but a required member.

He continuously tries to engage and help with things he can and things that no one else thinks, and I relate and love how he celebrates the moment and volunteers to cherish the memory, I'm the same guy who loves taking photos of my friends doing silly or important and routine moments in their lives which we can cherish.

As usual, dropping the idea thought arrives in everybody's life, the dilemma of participation of Dr.Cameron as extra hustle which will ain't succeed with Mexican immigrants kids like Oscar and Lorenz trying to save themselves. Still, we might too experience the same,

sometimes we hope for a single goal that would land the minimum limit in our dream world, but slipping the whole is not what we thought of or usually calculated we wouldn't ever calculate that "if not" for this situation, like what Oscar was hoping to with the competitions, or we might face the similar problem with parents or budget or time, like what happened to Lorenz and the new hope getting destroyed in due to other members like with Cristian.

I had many teachers and guides like Cameron they helped decide my path and were the turning points, Narendra sir was my biology teacher and HOD till class 10, but he is the one who guided me to choose CS as a subject, And Nafeetha ma'am is the reason for my interest in Python, and Fazid sir who is still the most motivational teacher I've seen, he made us throw ourselves to depths even in simple projects and introduced more unknown terms, and he's the one who made self-study into our habit, still need long essays to thank them.

As most of us grow up with cinema we dream of being part of big stories, the same way I always dream as a common man to lead big change and revolution towards a utopia, this story once again pushes the same feeling of being the change rather than the usual wait and admire for the hero's arrival stories...

Thanks for your patience and thanks for spending your time valuing my views.

¡Hasta luego!

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